1. Installation

1.1. Installing using Conda

The easiest way to install numba and get updates is by using Conda, a cross-platform package manager and software distribution maintained by Continuum Analytics. You can either use Anaconda to get the full stack in one download, or Miniconda which will install the minimum packages needed to get started.

Once you have conda installed, just type:

$ conda install -c exopy exopy_pulses


$ conda update -c exopy exopy_pulses


The -c option select the exopy channel on <http://anaconda.org> as Exopy is not part of the standard Python stack.

1.2. Installing from source

Exopy_pulses itself is a pure python package and as such is quite easy to install from source, to do so just use :

ExopyPulses adds numpy over Exopy dependencies.


On python 2, you can use the development version of enaml which can be found at <https://github.com/nucleic/enaml>. On python 3 however, you should use the fork located in the Exopy organization <https://github.com/Exopy/enaml> as long as the changes present in that fork have not been merged back into the main repository.

1.3. Checking your installation

When starting Exopy you should now be able to select the Pulses workspace to create and edit pulses sequences. The details of the edition, compilation and transfer of pulse sequences is discussed in the next sections.