2. Context and pulse sequence compilation

Once a pulse sequence created it need to be uploaded on the waveform generator. The associated compilation (ie translation) and transfer is handled by a context object specific to each instrument (and driver). The following sections will describe in details the responsability of the context and how to implement new ones.


As all instrument specific actions are handled by the driver, the transfer sequence task does not rely on interfaces, implementing the context matching your instrument is sufficient.

2.1. Compilation process

The compilation of a pulse sequence is a three step process :

  • first the sequence is evaluated. In this process, all the formulas are evaluated which defines explicitely all the pulses parameters. As pulses can refer to pulses occuring later in the sequence this process can happen in multiple passes till all the formulas can be evaluated (or till a dead end is detected).

  • then the sequence is simplified. At this step, all the sequences not explicitely supported by the context are inlined. For example, if the context cannot do anything special with any sequence this leads to the production to a flat list of pulses. A context may choose to special case a specific type of sequence if the hardware provide an effficient support for it, one example could be repeating a subsequence multiple times without explicitely creating a repetitive byte sequence.

  • finally the list of simplified items is passed to the context along with the driver of the instrument on which to transfer the sequence. It is then up to the context to turn the list of simple items into an hardware compatible representation and to proceed to the transfer.

2.2. Creating a new context

Creating a new context is as usual a three step process :

  • first the context itself which holds the logic must be created.

  • to allow a user to correctly parametrize the context a dedicated widget or view should also be created.

  • finally the context must be declared in the manifest of the plugin contributing it.

2.2.1. Implementing the logic

The context itself should be a subclass of BaseContext.

The context parameters should be declared using the appropriate member and tagged with ‘pref’ in order to be correctly saved. If the default way of saving/restoring (repr/literal_eval) is enough simply use True as a value otherwise you can specify the function to use to serialize/desarialize should be passed as a tuple/list.

from numbers import Real

from atom.api import Str, Int
from exopy_pulses.pulses.api import Feval

class MyContext(BaseContext):
    """MyContext description.

    Use Numpy style docstrings.

    #: my_int description
    my_int = Int(1).tag(pref=True)  # Integer with a default value of 1

    #: my_formula description
    my_formula = Str().tag(pref=True, feval=Feval(types=Real))

You will also need to implement two methods :

  • compile_and_transfer_sequence: this method does the heavy work of conversion and transfer. The passed sequence should be considered unevaluated. If the context does not need any control over the evaluation and simplification steps it can simply call the preprocess_sequence method to get a list of simplified items. During this step, the entries of the context are evaluated and are afterwards available in the _cache member. The returned list of items is guaranteed to be composed only of object the context can handle. Note however that if a context declare it supports a specific sequence, the sequence items are not simplified. If the driver is None, the context should do its best to validate that the sequence can be compiled.


If the sequence declare a fixed duration the context should honor it.

  • list_sequence_infos: return a dict matching the infos returned are a successful compilation. Those infos can for example contain the names under which the sequence is stored for each channel. The keys should not depend on the sequence.

2.2.2. Creating the view

All context views should inherit from BaseContextView which is nothing more than a customized Container. The view will always have a reference to the context it is used to edit under context, to the root sequence and to the application core plugin. From there you are free to design your UI the way you want.

To edit member corresponding to formulas with access to the sequence variables, note that the QtLineCompleter and QtTextCompleter widgets give auto-completion for the sequence variables after a ‘{‘. You need to set the entries_updater attribute to sequence.get_accessible_vars. If you do so you may also want to use EVALUATER_TOOLTIP as a tool tip (tool_tip member) so that your user get a nice explanation about what he can and cannot write in this field. From a general point of view it is a good idea to provide meaningful tool tips.

enamldef MyContextView(BaseContextView):

        text := context.my_formula
        entries_updater = seuence.get_accessible_vars
        tool_tip = EVALUATER_TOOLTIP

For more informations about the Enaml syntax please give a look at the relevant section in the Exopy documentation.

At this point your context is ready to be registered in Exopy, however writing a bunch of unit tests for your context making sure it works as expected and will go on doing so is good idea. Give a look at ExopyPulses tests for more details about writing tests and checking that your tests do cover all the possible cases.

2.2.3. Registering your context

The last thing you need to do is to declare your shape in a plugin manifest so that the main application can find it. To do so your plugin should contribute an extension to ‘exopy.pulses.contexts’ providing Contexts and/or Context objects.

Let’s say we need to declare a single context named ‘MyContext’. The name of our extension package (see the glossary in Exopy documentation) is named ‘my_exopy_plugin’. Let’s look at the example below:

enamldef MyPluginManifest(PluginManifest):

    id = 'my_plugin_id'

        point = 'exopy.pulses.contexts'

            path = 'my_exopy_plugin'

                context = 'my_context:MyContext'
                view = 'views.my_context:MyContextView'

We declare a single child for the extension a Contexts object. Contexts does nothing by themselves they are simply container for grouping shapes declarations. They have a single attribute:

  • ‘path’: when declaring a shape you must specify in which module it is defined as a ‘.’ sperated path. When declaring a path in a Contexts it will be prepended to any path-like declaration in all children.

We then declare our shape using a Context object. A Context has four attributes but only three of them must be given non-default values :

  • ‘context’: this is the path (‘.’ separated) to the module defining the context. The actual name of the context is specified after a colon (‘:’). As mentioned above the path of all parent Contexts is preprended to this path.

  • ‘view’: this identic to the context attribute but used for the view definition. Once again the path of all parent Contexts is preprended to this path.

  • ‘instruments’: list of all the driver ids supported by this context. For memory a driver id is of the form ‘definition_package.architecture.class_name’

  • ‘metadata’: Any additional informations about the context. Those should be specified as a dictionary.

This is it. Now when starting Exopy your new context should be listed and work with the specified drivers. Note that just for tasks, you can extend the list of supported drivers by redeclaring a context but specifying only its id (package_name.class_name) and the additionally supported drivers.